I'm back! We had a terrific trip despite the bitter weather; it was much colder in London than it is today in eastern Ontario. But neither bitter winds nor blowing snow and biting sleet (nor a very weird skin condition that erupted on my arrival) could spoil our enjoyment (at least for the most part). Thank goodness for the British tradition of tea, and for wise counsel from YLF friends. We were so grateful for our wool coats!
My skin's all better now by the way. I have no idea what caused the inflammation, but I needed to take some anti-histimines and could not use any creams.
My wardrobe worked out beautifully. I never did wear my trench coat (far too cold) and I also didn't wear a sparkly tank and a short sleeved striped top (ditto) and I didn't wear my Sam Petty booties or my pretty pumps --- but I certainly wore everything else I brought -- and wore it often, because layers were the name of the game. Every day I put on underwear, a camisole, a silk or knit button down, a sweater, a scarf (if the sweater was not a turtleneck), my taupe leather jacket, and my wool pea coat. I layered tights under my wool pants. And I wore boots.
I felt really well dressed for the things we were doing, and always prepared. Angie, thanks for recommending I bring the taupe jacket; the white would have felt really out of place, given the weather. Plus, given the amount I wore it, it probably would have picked up some grime. I don't really calculate CPW but for what it's worth, it's pretty low on that taupe jacket already. What a perfect jacket it is for me, and I'm so grateful to Shannon for wearing her black version so frequently that I finally took notice of a good thing!
I love my Vince Camuto pea coat. Zapotee has spoken about the importance of a great coat for travelling, and I could not agree more. Wearing that coat I always felt smart and sharp. It works with pants and with dresses. It is not too heavy but it is warm. Yay for the occasional spontaneous purchase; it wasn't officially on my shopping list but was a lucky early autumn find. So glad I bought it.
I didn't manage to take many photos of people's clothing. Everyone was bundled and not necessarily looking their most fashionable. Hubby was struck by all the black, navy, and other dark colours. But I do think the cold wintery weather had a lot to do with that. People were still wearing winter clothes.
Trends I noticed: Lots of snazzy sneakers. Some slouchy skinnies. Far more tall boots than I had expected -- again, perhaps in part because of the cold conditions. But I know they are returning again for fall.
I spent a full day shopping. I tried on many things, mostly at Cos. But nothing felt quite right. I admit, it was difficult to think about buying for spring weather when the temperatures were so bitter outside, but there were also fit and flattery issues, and in the end I decided it simply wasn't important to buy something for the sake of buying it. So, exercising the YLF principle of PPP, I walked away.
I bought only two things. One, a bra! If you've read my bra fitting woes, you know that I have a difficult time finding bras that work for me in my home city or even in Toronto. I finally was able to try on a Simone Perele bra, and walked away a happy woman! So comfortable and also pretty.
In the Courtauld museum I also picked up this fun cuff bracelet made of stone. I thought it would be a fun addition to summer outfits.
Next photo shows my trusty boyfriends for the trip -- Franco and Stuart kept me good company and made sure my feet were happy despite 14 hour walking and standing days. Well, okay. "Happy" might be an overstatement...but at least I managed to continue moving!
A couple of outfits, and you can also see the little flat we stayed in.
Glad to be back and looking forward to catching up.
This post is also published in the youlookfab forum. You can read and reply to it in either place. All replies will appear in both places.
Tina.b replied 11 years ago
I totally understand the lack of shopping. When I travel to amazing cities, shopping is really on the back burner for me. I try to soak in the culture, and spent most of my time at landmarks and art galleries. To be honest I can find most anything from home via online shopping, so I don't like to spend my precious vacation time doing the same. Though I do admittedly allot a couple hours here and there. On the other hand, if I go to a place like Vegas, I'm there with the sole purpose of shopping (and eating, lol). -
Raisin replied 11 years ago
Transcona Shannon replied 11 years ago
The stone bracelet looks lovely and will be a beautiful piece to integrate into your style. What? No WIW of the bra? - lol! -
replied 11 years ago
Like Tina.b, shopping while on vacation is very low priority for me. I would spend a few hours, at most, shopping and it is mostly for gifts. Plus, I do hate how *final* the decisions have to be. I get paralyzed by the fact that I cannot return anything. Heck, I only bought 2 things on my last vacation. A pair of boots and a Longchamp pliage bag. The second was bought just because I needed extra space coming back and the boots I snatched once I discovered the British version of the SW 50/50 boots is longer. So really, there were no surprise purchases.
rachylou replied 11 years ago
Ornella replied 11 years ago
Thanks for the fantastic and eloquent as ever report, I always learn something from you or others via you (great top about the coats on trips, I've missed it from Zap).
The bracelet is beautiful, the apartment looks cozy and YLF. -
Ingunn replied 11 years ago
It is great to have you back, Suz, and I am so happy that your trip was a success. London is one of the magic places for me, even in lousy weather. Your travel capsule worked well due to your thorough planning. Well done, and welcome home. -
hedgiehog replied 11 years ago
Shame about the weather but it sounds like you had a great time despite the low temps. I love London; it is my second home so anytime someone goes there and has a great time I am happy. Your packing worked out really well; I hope I can do the same in a few months. Welcome back! -
Angie replied 11 years ago
It's hard to shop for Spring when it's SO cold. And London shopping is overwhelming as well as expensive. You were right to bring back a bracelet and a bra. FABULOUS :) xo
Thistle replied 11 years ago
Good that you stuck to PPP. The bra and bracelet were terrific finds!
Sorry the weather was so miserabe. But, sounds liek you still had a great time. Good to have you back, though. -
Mo replied 11 years ago
Welcome home!
Elizabeth P replied 11 years ago
Welcome back!
texstyle replied 11 years ago
pil replied 11 years ago
Suz, that leather jacket is sooo beautiful on you.
Glad you had a good trip! -
catgirl replied 11 years ago
Inge replied 11 years ago
Glad to hear you had an amazing time regardless of the freezing weather. Your layering outfits sound cosy and super stylish. Here's to leather jackets for all seasons!-) -
Scarlet replied 11 years ago
sarah replied 11 years ago
jayne replied 11 years ago
Caro in Oz replied 11 years ago
So glad the wardrobe worked & your boyfriends were charming:)
The bracelet is a great addition for spring/summer - I've been wearing mine all summer. -
replied 11 years ago
That is such a cute little flat in the background of your pictures. Where did you stay? I just love small, attractive, well-designed spaces like that and it totally matches your colors. It looks modern, urban and fab, just like you! :)
I'm glad you had a good time and that your skin is getting back to normal. -
Sveta replied 11 years ago
This is so funny but i also developed some skin condition on my trip. It started on my fingers and that i got it on my ears from all things! It looked like blisters and was itchy. I went to the pharmacy and asked them if they know what it is. They told me that this is from a cold weather. Imagine - coming to Portugal from Canada and getting a skin condition from cold weather? Anyway it cleared when I got home: definitely i will not be moving to Portugal any time soon!:-)
I also did not buy much on my trip. I find shopping very hard when I travel and I tend to make shopping mistaks because I am short on time and cannot return later. I found I need to go on shopping trips with preparation for them to be successful.
I am glad you were all ready for cold weather and looked fantastic braving th elements. Really what would we do without our trusty Danier jackets?:-)
Nice flat! we also stayed in a flat in Lisbon: was yours very small? -
Suz replied 11 years ago
People in England didn't know whether to be appalled or slightly proud when I told them it was colder there than in Canada. Mostly they were mystified. Where were the daffodils?
Our flat was small but absolutely perfect for us. It was a ground floor flat with a small (but perfectly adequate and quiet) bedroom, a living area with couch and chairs, a tiny table, fully equipped kitchen, and a nice bathroom. There was also a little walk out terrace...HA!!! As IF!!!!
Jaime replied 11 years ago
Tanya replied 11 years ago
Great job on not buying anything that is not perfect. That is a fun bracelet. -
Deborah replied 11 years ago
lyn67 replied 11 years ago
YLF in all the outfits shown and spoken about:-), love the bracelet, and you are a lucky girl to have found your perfect SimoneP bra!!! I really can relate for not wanting to spoil your precious time shopping, and then, rushy forced decisions-just for the sake of shopping- are never the best! I hope you had a wonderfull time, even the wheather was not really contibuting...:-)) By us is also freezing and snowing 3 days in a row...Never had an Easter like that!:-(
Now, off to read your in time threads from shopping/no shopping in London.
Thanx for sharing!:-)
(Greg-if you are reading this: One thing I miss on the forum is the date of a thread was issued...sometimes bumpings keep one post current for longer time so not all on front page are new...and this can be confusing-..thus in this case I went to Suz's blog and there I could see this post was written yesterday) -
Mona replied 11 years ago
I am completely in awe of your PPP. I was not as successful with my shopping in London.
That bracelet is so pretty and would be so much fun to wear in summer. -
Parsley replied 11 years ago
Sveta, if you see this- it sounds like you had chilblains- ouch!
You showed great shopping restraint, and the things you did buy sound like good finds- love the bracelet! I'm kind of surprised that you didn't have good luck at COS. I just got back from Paris (also cold), and I am completely in love with COS! I swear I liked almost everything I tried on there, and a few items just might have followed me home...
I bet the sizing is pretty big for you, though. I think I sized down in everything except basic T-shirts.
Thanks for reporting back!
Suz replied 11 years ago
Can't wait to see what you brought home, though!
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Welcome to my YLF blog, where I'll explore my preoccupation with fashion and style. Thanks to Rae for suggesting the title!