A few fall outfits and some quick reviews

Fab Friends! Here are a few fall outfits. Excuse me for looking as exhausted as I (still!!!!) feel in many of these. This cold or flu or whatever it is has really laid me low. I no sooner think I'm back to myself then I get hit with another wave of misery. Ugh. 

#1 The One State jacket and the EF black jeans are really easy to wear and I am wearing them often. The scrunched sleeves are right up my alley. 

#2. All items old. I still love this "suit with sneakers" look. These are a pair of skinnies I won't easily part with. Best pants in the universe. Substantial fabric and side zip with a slightly higher waist than typical Sloans. 

#4 still enjoying this Pink Tartan jacket from consignment last year...

#5/6 out for supper and theatre with Mr. Suz but we left half way through the show because I was feeling so sick! 

#7 a little more hard edged for a downtown reading on a rainy night. 

#8 yesterday's outfit. 

#9 new snakeskin Elviras -- great booties! 

Most loved purchases so far this fall -- the new BR jeans and the Paul Green plaid boots. The Paul Greens gave me awful blisters the first day. Partly because I walked for a really long time in them, and partly, I think, because I already had blisters from my hiking shoes (ironically enough!). The new blisters were in a different place, though. So my feet were miserable and inflamed for more than a week. But after that first wear they became sublimely comfortable so I have forgiven them and let them have a place in my heart after all. :) 

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  • catherine replied 5 years ago

    Such a great bunch of outfits. So put together and well fitting. I’m going to copy you somehow. You look fantastic.

  • Susie replied 5 years ago

    I hope you are feeling much better! You are certainly looking good. Fab pieces here and great outfits... very Suz! We are jacket twins; I wore mine today with a red top!

  • Jaime replied 5 years ago

    First of all get well! You were waiting for that advice, right :) ?
    I love all these outfits but am going to focus on a little obsession of mine - the cuffing and horizontal lines. You first outfit here, for example, is fantastic. And you have cuffed and cut yourself into pieces. And in 5/6 the dress is gorgeous on you (even if you felt awful), but I think I like it even better with the sweater on top. You see where I am going? (I also mentioned this in my reply to you on my thread a minute ago.) Yes, some oblique reference to Kibbe! Gamines, busy, cut off lines, cuffing? 
    Ok, apart from that little tangent, you look fabulous. Glad your boots have been forgiven - I think they are going to be true workhorses!

  • Firecracker (Sharan) replied 5 years ago

    My goodness, these are all total hits, Suz! I'm sorry to hear you've been under the weather--and to have to leave a show early, what a rotten deal. It amazes me that you can look so stellar when you are not feeling up to par. I think my favorite outfit here is #8--super wow! I love the how the boots and big scarf draw the eye here. And your first outfit--I love the black jeans on you. Great fit and look, and the black denim is a bit unexpected and crisp.

  • Christina F. replied 5 years ago

    LOL. I wore the 1.State blazer with the very same top recently. 

    You look sensational, as always!

  • Suz replied 5 years ago

    Christina, you (and I) are hilarious!! I can't WAIT for our Manhattan meetup!! One of these days. 

    Sharan, thank you so much. Those black EF jeans are the bomb for me. Angie and I both noticed it right away. As a matter of fact, I should see if I can get the blue version on sale. They would certainly get worn.

    Jaime, thank you so much and you are SO astute. I had never thought of it that way. I always worry about the horizontal lines but you are dead right. They do work! I adore a Breton stripe, for example...and cuffing and/or layers could work the same way. Super smart, as always.  

    Susie, waving to my name and jacket twin!! :) 

    Catherine, thank you! 

  • Brooklyn replied 5 years ago

    Gorgeous! You manage to look radiant even when you are sick. I hope you are feeling better soon.

  • Jane replied 5 years ago

    Rotten to have a lingering bug and sore feet. You look super! I love the scarf, jacket and bags combinations especially - 9 is fab!

  • Cardiff girl replied 5 years ago

    You look lovely!I can’t even bear makeup on my face when I feel so bad.l hope that you are feeling back to your usual self very soon.Those tartan boots are fab!

  • Liesbeth replied 5 years ago

    Hope you'll feel better soon!
    Your outfits are a delight, all of them!

  • lyn67 replied 5 years ago

    All, and always  gorgeous- but here love the variety of bottom's silhouettes, and esp the true fallish color scheme-my actual fave for that matter is nr 4.  Nr 5-6 is a glorious  bright bl&w and shows the power of a good contrast -you do not look like sick at all! Hope you are feeling better. 

  • Bijou replied 5 years ago

    You look so beautiful even when sick. I hope the flu / cold goes away. I often find I get sick in the more changeable weather too.

    I am sooo glad you have forgiven the Paul Green boots. I love them so very much on you and love how they add a new dimension to your style - a touch of pretty refined hard edge.

    Your trendy jeans and blazer outfits are just amazing. It is instructive to see how you style your outfits, killer boots, bags and scarves provide variety and add so much to the mix. The new snakeskin boots are a fun bookend to your hair.

  • Helena replied 5 years ago

    Siz you're stunning as always. Gosh I love that red top on you!

  • Janet replied 5 years ago

    I can’t pick a favorite, but what a testament to a great workable wardrobe that you can pull together so many fab looks even when you are not feeling well!

    I hope you feel better quickly. I have come down with a cold right before I’m about to fly to Morocco tomorrow, so I’m going to be chugging hot tea and vitamin C and trying to get some extra rest today! Figures, I haven’t been sick in over a year, and it waits until now. At least I got my flu shot!

  • LaPed replied 5 years ago

    These are great, especially that windowpane blazer! It has just the right amount of red to tie together so many of your outfits. Perfect for incorporating your cool red boots! I especially like your "dowtown reading" outfit. And I like what shevia says about horizontal lines, cuffing, and a certain sort of busy-ness. Definitely some Kibbe principles in action here.

  • Angie replied 5 years ago

    Hope you're feeling better. (((HUGS))). 

    Those 2019 NAS items look sooooo good! We are going to have to make it a regular shopping date! 

    Glad the blisters have healed, and that the PG boots are now very comfy. That's what Docs do, and look like them too. You didn't need to throw them out like my Aquatalias.....

    KILLER ALL ROUND. Love all the plaid and pattern mixing, Suz! Makes my sugar eye happy :)

    I'm seeing some new-for-you arty drape come through with the wide crops/cardi/scarf/hobo combinations. NICE. And fab juxtaposition with the sharp and preppy tailoring of the blazer outfits. I can't pick a fave.

    You are another who has never looked better! 

  • citygirldc replied 5 years ago

    1, 2, 5, 9 are my favorites. Those Bronx plaid boots are amazing and almost look like Doc Martens.  YLF!! 

  • replied 5 years ago

    I’m marveling , again , at what a cohesive wardrobe you have , and how great you look in your clothes . Even though Docs et al are not in my wheelhouse , I do appreciate how wonderful these ones are for you . You’re a very well-dressed writer ;)

  • replied 5 years ago

    Coming back to add: I LOVE the suit-w-sneakers look. I never did get to implement that look this fall and we are now out of blazer weather and right into winter -UGH. I’d love to pick up a suit for spring and work this look myself .

  • Erin replied 5 years ago

    All of your outfits look great. I think 4, 6, 8 and 9 are particularly fab. I’m so sorry you’ve been under the weather. I hope you feel better soon.

  • taylor replied 5 years ago

    These are all stunning on you !  

    I want to come play dress up in your closet!:)
    Hope you are feeling 100% soon ❤️

  • Runcarla replied 5 years ago

    Sorry to learn you are under the weather, Suz. Wouldn’t know it from your pics. Chalk me up as another lover of the suit-with-sneakers look.

  • nemosmom replied 5 years ago

    My gosh all of these are gorgeous (as are you, flu and all!) You clearly have your style and palette nailed - every piece you add slips so seamlessly into your collection - I have major wardrobe envy! Hope you feel better very very soon!

  • RobinF replied 5 years ago

    Sorry you haven't been feeling well but I sure can't tell in your pictures. These are all so good on you, you do the jean/jacket combo to perfection.

  • Suz replied 5 years ago

    Thank you all so much for your kind comments and commiseration. Still feeling UGH today. I think I got a cold on top of a cold (or flu) and that explains the duration. Oh well. It can only get better....

    Robin, jeans and jackets are my fave! 

    Carla, you wear sneakers with everything with the best! And Lisa, you will wear the suit with sneakers look brilliantly -- it actually seems made for you!! Two of your favourite items -- jackets and sneakers!

    Taylor, you'd be very welcome but don't come now in case I'm contagious. :) 

    Angie, you BET for the regular shopping date!! And thank you for the compliments and thoughts. That Pure Amici sweater was one of my best ever NAS buys -- it is a bit pilled but I cannot get rid of it -- the shape is unlike any other sweater and it often completes an outfit when I don't know what else to wear. It does add a bit of "arty drape" for sure. 

    So sad about your Aquatalias. Mine still work for me. But I didn't try to wear them in that snowmageddon....they are waterproof but can't take the volume of water that we had last year. Years of east-coast living have taught me how to distinguish one type of "weather proof" boot from another. I guess I should be grateful for that! :) 

    LaPed, I bet you'd wear a version of that "downtown reading" outfit brilliantly. 

    Janet, oh -- stay well!! I hope against hope you don't have the yucky thing I've had. 

    Bijou, thank you so much -- and YES to those Paul Greens. Lucky they worked out. 

    Lynn, so true about contrast - -and thank you! 

    Thanks, Erin, Nemosmom, CityGirl DC, Brooklyn, TG, Liesbeth, Jane, CardiffGirl.

  • smittie replied 5 years ago

    Every one of these outfits is excellent.
    The red is a very nice addition. Goes well with blue!

  • Greyscale replied 5 years ago

    It must be fall! All of these are great, and I love the snakeskin boots (of course). And those plaid boots!

  • Elizabeth P replied 5 years ago

    Sorry to hear you are feeling so miserable, Suz.  I hope it starts to clear up soon.

    This is a fantastic set of outfits.  As others have said, you sure look good despite your health!  The red boots are particularly great.

    This is especially motivating to me as we have some similar/identical pieces.

  • Suz replied 5 years ago

    Awww. Thanks, all!!!!! 

    Elizabeth, you and Christina and I should have a triple date. We have SO MANY similar/ identicals. Actually, you and I overlap in some ways and she and I overlap in others, but there are also a few that we all have in common. 

  • Laurie replied 5 years ago

    Outstanding outfits. You look amazing in everything. I just love the dress and white boots, and sweater too - that's my fav. Great to see the Elvina's - I just ordered them yesterday after ordering and returning 5 other pairs of snakeskin booties. If they look as good for me as on you, they're the winner. You turned me on to Blondo, for which I'm very grateful with our many trips to the Northeast now.

  • Katerina replied 5 years ago

    Suz, sorry to hear you are still not feeling well. Such long colds and flus are exhausting. Hang in there! I hope you feel well really soon.
    Your outfits are superb, every single one. I can’t pick a favorite. I admire your so well composed wardrobe of fantastic fitting pieces that work excellently together. True inspiration and advanced learning for me.

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