A return to contrast (for now) ETA the outdoor outfit.

The minute I saw outfit #1 in this series that Angie posted,  I wanted to try it myself. (Unlike Laura, I don't have the actual skirt, but I do have a similar plaid skirt.)  It took me until today to try the outfit. Alas, the lighting is so poor, you can't see the colours, but the hoodie is navy, and the skirt is Black Watch plaid -- green and navy and cobalt. I don't have stompy lace up black boots but I do have stompy chelsea boots, so I went with those. Such a simple formula, but really fun and a 90s look I can really get behind. 

On another note, I visited the atelier of the person who made the skirt on Granville Island the other day. It was really nice to meet her and see what she's up to this year. She had some fun red plaid items. if one of those goes on sale I might just have to spring for it! 

PS, I have continued the tonal experiments and have more outfits to show, but will save them up for a summing up post, I think. :) 

ETA: added a photo of what I wore to go out -- tall boots! I remembered them! Plus coat hat scarf mitts. And you can see the colours better outdoors...the navies are brighter than they appear in my indoor shots. 

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  • Angie replied 1 month ago

    You nailed it! Stinking cute, and soooo 2024, Suz! Elevated Every Day is the trend I feel supports this look best. Nice nod to the '90s too!

    (For reference, I've copied the outfit that inspired you below).

    The skirt is a gorgeous dark plaid! This goes against your rule of not having white somewhere in the pattern - which is maybe a rule you keep for tops? Either way - love this skirt on you and it's KILLER. Pretty! Try it with your tall black boots too :) 

  • LJP replied 1 month ago

    This looks great,  Suz!  What are you wearing on your legs though?  And that's a great skirt - I follow Allison on IG too and have always admired her pieces.  The red plaids would be lovely on you.

  • slim cat replied 1 month ago

    Pretty and fun - love it!

  • Suz replied 1 month ago

    Thanks, Slim cat

    LJP, thank you. I got a great deal on the skirt last year on sale -- it's a 3 season piece here (not high summer but all the rest of the year) and works as well in spring as in winter. And on my legs, I am wearing nude hose! I haven't worn them in maybe years!? Confession: I'm at home today. When I go out for my walk, I will trade these in for cozy tights. :) It's cold here today. 

    And Angie, yes! Thank you for copying the photo. And you are dead right about my "something light" pattern rule. It is just for tops though  I almost broke that, too, for the velvet shirt from Anthro...except I think the lilac reads light in the midst of all the dark, so it's borderline. ;)

     Anyway -- I will wear all dark on the bottom in patterns, for sure.  My other patterned bottoms, below -- the charcoal pants have a very light grey or off white line in the check -- but it's nearly invisible -- the Dries pants have a light line, a bit more visible, but not super obvious, the CM pants are lighter overall and have a sort of greenish check with white in the grey, the other plaid skirt has a not terribly noticeable yellow line, and then the Liberty print has light as well as dark. 

    The plaid of this skirt is a bit brighter in person. I mean, it's still dark, but there's a brighter blue mixed in than you can really see here, and the green also stands out more as green IRL. 

  • Cookie replied 1 month ago

    Love both the indoor and outdoor versions of this outfit, as well as the inspiration photo. This is a frequent type of look for me so I guess that is a self-interested statement, lol.

  • Angie replied 1 month ago

    Festive with the scarf! Fab Plaid Squared :)

    Suz, makes sense! Your new velvet shirt has light HIGH CONTRAST lilac bits, which act like silver or white. Do the job. Dead right ;)

  • Lisa replied 1 month ago

    Love this combination of a hoodie with a pretty plaid skirt and stompy boots!

    I'm in the same boat as you, at this time of year lighting is awful, both indoors and outside. It's made taking WIWs a challenge lately. 

  • Kyle replied 1 month ago

    What an interesting and festive winter outfit. It’s a really great skirt, and I especially like it paired with a hoodie. Your wardrobe is inspirational, Suz.

  • Firecracker (Sharan) replied 1 month ago

    This outfit is super fab, Suz. What a creative and flattering skirt. (The designer name is clever, too.) I like the mixed plaids with the scarf in the outdoor version, and you look gorgeous in that closeup. You are skilled at choosing colors!

  • Firecracker (Sharan) replied 1 month ago

    Maybe off topic a little... looking at Allison Wonderland's site, I was drawn to the style called Rebecca Turtleneck. And I saw it in this pattern, which I have in both a woven and knit fabric, and which I have made into 3 garments. (Then after making them, I realized as much as I love the print and the colors in it, they aren't very great on me after all. That's how it goes with sewing sometimes!) But that shoulder seam on the turtleneck! I am so intrigued by this cross between a set-in sleeve and a raglan! Cool, no?

    And those red plaid pieces are really neat. I would totally go for the pinstripe, though, myself--haha!

  • Suz replied 1 month ago

    Wow, that is fascinating, Sharan -- and yes, you are so right -- what an interesting sleeve! I haven't tried that top on, but I think she makes it in different patterns in different years. I love the pinstripe, too, by the way! 

    I liked her personally -- lovely young woman. It was fun to meet her. The atelier is new, so I had not seen her in Vancouver before. 

    Thanks Kyle -- we share a classic style gene, so I find your wardrobe inspirational, too!

    Lisa, thanks! And yes, the light...the light...but it's soon to start coming back!

    Angie, exactly. This tonal experiment is teaching me how very much I need/ crave a bit of contrast. Does not have to be much-- but I want and need some. 

  • Jaime replied 1 month ago

    Plaid really suits you Suz and the skirt is beautiful. I love the idea that you met the designer too!

  • Brooklyn replied 1 month ago

    Wow! You nailed it. Plaid is your signature look.

  • Dee replied 1 month ago

    You wear plaids so well Suz, love the length and silhouette of this skirt, its stylish yet practical too, perfect for the winter months. The colour combination of the plaid should make it a very versatile wardrobe item as well.

  • RobinF replied 1 month ago

    Great skirt! How fun to meet the designer in person!

  • Julia replied 1 month ago

    I remember the 90s, many people dressed like that. As for the skirt, it's beautiful!

    Actually, skirts like this with tall boots are classic. They've always been worn.
    I recently ordered another skirt, but also vintage https://maven46.com/vintage-midi-skirt-10144/

    I'll wear it with similar tall boots.

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