Hi, all! Well, it's no surprise -- but after my two month experiment with tonal and monochrome outfits, I have learned that I'm still a contrast dresser at heart. ;)
Despite my low contrast personal colouring, it seems I like mixing things up.
Or maybe I just like going to extremes? Because here's the thing...if I do dress monochrome, I like white out. Or navy. Or red. In other words, a dark or a bright or a light.
I can do tonal happily in greys (on the right day). I can also do it in lilacs to blue or red/s burgundies (16...though that may not seem like a truly tonal outfit, and I get that...), or variations of blue, or variations of white/ cream with a hint of grey, or berries/ reds and burgundies.
In fact, I like all those options a lot if there is enough textural interest or shine (which, ahem, usually introduces at least an element of contrast) or if there is some tone on tone pattern.
I strongly dislike myself in pastel lilac monochrome (1) or tonal with pink (11) . Ugh. If I'm going to go monochrome, it's dark or bright all the way. I am sure I could do a midtone blue as well, if I had the elements, but no pastels, please!
I think my next little experiment will be with pattern mixing. I do this a lot but I missed it during my tonal experiment, because I was using more solids or faux solids. So it will be fun to switch things up.
Those of you who also tried this experiment, did you make discoveries about what works and does not work for you? Are some colours better for you than others?
Thanks for inspiring this personal challenge, SarahDB, and thanks to all who joined in!