Update on my tonal/ monochrome experiment

Hi, all! Well, it's no surprise -- but after my two month experiment with tonal and monochrome outfits, I have learned that I'm still a contrast dresser at heart. ;) 

Despite my low contrast personal colouring, it seems I like mixing things up. 

Or maybe I just like going to extremes?  Because here's the thing...if I do dress monochrome, I like white out. Or navy. Or red. In other words, a dark or a bright or a light. 

I can do tonal happily in greys (on the right day). I can also do it in lilacs to blue or red/s burgundies (16...though that may not seem like a truly tonal outfit, and I get that...), or variations of blue, or variations of white/ cream with a hint of grey, or berries/ reds and burgundies. 

In fact, I like all those options a lot if there is enough textural interest or shine (which, ahem, usually introduces at least an element of contrast) or if there is some tone on tone pattern. 

I strongly dislike myself in pastel lilac monochrome (1) or tonal with pink (11) . Ugh. If I'm going to go monochrome, it's dark or bright all the way. I am sure I could do a midtone blue as well, if I had the elements, but no pastels, please! 

I think my next little experiment will be with pattern mixing. I do this a lot but I missed it during my tonal experiment, because I was using more solids or faux solids. So it will be fun to switch things up.

Those of you who also tried this experiment, did you make discoveries about what works and does not work for you? Are some colours better for you than others? 

Thanks for inspiring this personal challenge, SarahDB, and thanks to all who joined in! 

This post is also published in the youlookfab forum. You can read and reply to it in either place. All replies will appear in both places.


  • Jenni NZ replied 1 week ago

    Hi Suz, I didn’t try at all because it doesn’t usually appeal. I can do it a bit with some olives but only if I feel in the mood. Column of colour appeals more with possibly contrast over top.
    You do look good even in the ones you don’t like, better in 1 than 11 to my eye.
    And 16 looks totally contrasting to me, not tonal at all!
    Also a lot of contrast in them especially with the metallic belt (15,20 and 21)-cheating ha ha!

  • kkards replied 1 week ago

    I love the way you’ve played with texture!  I love an outfit that has depth and variations in the textiles and I love shine, and I find monochromatic outfits are easier, at least for me, to achieve that.  That being said, like you I love a high contrast moment. 

    I really like them all, but if you made me pick a favorite it would be #2.  That red is just so good, and the shiny boots just add the right zing.

  • Runcarla replied 1 week ago

    I LOVE #1 (and #2, and #16)  - but you have to love them too.  Your white outfits are ah-mazimg.  

  • Olive Green replied 1 week ago

    16 and 4 are my favourites here, probably yours. I love how you are voting with your face in each pic. 
    But the contrast does make you sparkle!

  • Vicki replied 1 week ago

    I'd say that was an excellent experiment and I think you look pretty wonderful in most of them, even #1 that you disliked. I think you soar in the reds, the white outs and dark colors and I especially like your #4 outfit.  Who makes your cute white/ivory/cream puffer in #19?  Your flocked pants in #20 and #21 are amazing!  I look forward to seeing your next pattern-mixing experiment.

  • Cookie replied 1 week ago

    Well, I do like these all because you always look good, but I hear you on wanting contrast in texture if not color. Stark minimalism is not for me no matter how elegant it may be! I particularly love #8 and #18, both completely delightful. I don’t think the ones you disliked are “ugh” by any means—I quite like #1—but being extremely matchy with a really distinctive color like lilac or a specific shade of pink does pose the risk of coming off as less sophisticated if you’re not careful. And pastels sort of pose that risk already, though there are certainly fab ways to wear them.
    Looking forward to your pattern mixing experiments!

  • Angie replied 1 week ago

    Good to have "high contrast confirmation" ;) 

    Suz, you hit the nail on the head when you say you like "mixing things up". This creates VARIETY. You enjoy that most of all - which means contrast AND tonal and monochromatic looks. Me too!

    #8, #9, #10, #15, #18, #19 are my KILLER faves!!! They ALL incorporate high contrast, in a small or big way. 

    I love you in patterns! So bring on the pattern mixing!!! I'm excited. 

    To answer your question - I like CONTRAST, even when I wear monochromatic and tonal looks - my belt, shoes and eyewear stand out.  Like with all red, all shocking pink, all lime green - I wear contrasting cream shoes and bag (or gold)! With white jeans I like gold shoes. With cream jeans I like taupe, gold, blush, and light blue shoes. With blush pants, I like red shoes. The outfit formula is alive and kicking! 

  • Firecracker (Sharan) replied 1 week ago

    It's an interesting experiment to see. I agree that the outfits with less contrast don't look characteristically "Suz" to me. (It's so funny, because I really don't know you, outside of this space, and yet here I am thinking that certain outfits just don't reflect your personality--LOL!) The pastel lilac monochrome looks too sweet, as does the all pink outfit, to me. They don't reflect the spunky elements of your style, nor do they convey the sophistication of #8, a similarly monochrome look, which I do like a lot. I love the looks with the bright silver belt (15, 20-21), which picks up your earrings in each outfit and really highlights your face like a lovely portrait. I really admire how well you wear your reds. Outfits 13 and 14 are so fun. I kinda want to see that plaid shirt in 13 under the sweater in 14.
    Like you, I'm not fond of how I look in too much pastel. I don't have examples. I guess I probably change before I get a photo. And I suppose I actually lean toward muddier light colors than real pastels, anyway.

  • Brooklyn replied 1 week ago

    Well done Suz. I like all of these, with my favourites being nos 5 and 10.

    You can of course do tonal and high contrast (light pink and dark red for instance). But I think that tonal contrast looks softer than, say, white and dark red, which is more graphic. I think you are drawn to a more vibrant and graphic contrast. But of course you can like and wear both!

    Looking forward to some pattern mixing.

    Thanks for sharing your fab style and insights.

  • JAileen replied 1 week ago

    Oh I love 18-19.  The sweater is just lovely and the all white just looks so great on you.  I can’t copy you on this unfortunately, because I do not have Angie’s or your magic powers.

    It’s funny, but I don’t care for lilac at all.  Or purple.  I had a perfectly good Eddie Bauer parka in purple that I had to get rid of.  I’m not sure why.  I’m fine with others wearing it, but not on me at all.  


  • Bonnie replied 1 week ago

    These are really nice examples of tonal/monochrome outfits. My favorite is #19. I have not tried this but I probably should at some point, it seems like a worth while challenge.

  • Suz replied 1 week ago

    Thanks for all these thoughtful replies. I thought it would be interesting (for me at least!) to see a bunch of the outfits together. It really was a valuable experiment for me because it reminded me that I can do this (in my own way, which sounds a bit like Angie's preferred version -- tonal, yes, absolutely -- but "pops" of contrast in footwear or accessories.) 

    JAileen, colour is SOOO personal, right/ You'd look great in lilac, but we should never wear colours we don't care for! I think the pastel lilac looks okay on me (sort of) but it doesn't feel right. So...

    Brooklyn, thank you! And yes, I think that is right -- I crave the slightly higher contrast, though I did really appreciate the more muted contrast versions if they had the addition of a bright accessory. Maybe for me the bright addition acts as a really interesting texture might for you -- or your jewellery, which isn't necessarily bright (is often muted) but is very distinctive. 

    Sharon, exactly! The all lilac or pink and lilac just feels too sweet on me. I don't feel like myself. I do feel like myself in 7.8 though. Love your idea of the plaid shirt under the floral sweater! That's a great pattern mix idea -- thank you!

    Angie, thank you! I definitely won't be giving up my white out options. I was in white out today, in fact, but a different version without grey! 

    Cookie, you and me both -- we are not on the minimalism train however much we admire it on others. (And I do admire it on others -- a lot!) 

    Vicki, that puffer was an Angie NAS pick last year. It is a gorgeous quality coat. I didn't get it at the sale but I got it at the sale price by a very lucky chance. 

    Olive Green -- thanks! And I gues smy expression is kind of transparent, yeah....

    Carla, that's so interesting. I really don't love them (for me) though I think they would look good on others. I sent back the sweater in #1 because I knew I would never wear it. It just felt too femme and ladylike and "pretty" and "sweet" to me. 

    kkards, #2 makes our preppy genes sing! :) 

    Jenni, you are right -- that outfit is high contrast, but on Brooklyn's theory that adjacent colours are tonal, blue and lilac are tonal. Sort of. :)  I think of you as someone who craves contrast, too, and it makes sense, I think it is pretty typical of gamine types generally. Maybe one of our hallmarks. So my little experiment was partly about seeing if I could interpret the tonal look to a gamine style. 

  • Star replied 1 week ago

    Suz my favourites are with some pattern up top eg: 12, 14, 15, 16 and 18.  I too do not like myself in a light monochrome or tonal outfits.  I too am light all round as you know.   I prefer contrast and/or saturated colours.  But no bright whites for me.  Today I tried on a top in cream and I think I like it.  I could never wear cream before but it is thanks to my warmer hair colour now.

  • Suz replied 1 week ago

    Star, that's great! I can see how a warmer hair colour could make cream work. 

    Oddly, I noticed that my mother -- who never looked particularly good in white or cream as a younger woman (and whose colouring was similar to mine) started looking lovely in both white and cream as she got older. It was partly the hair, but it seemed to work with her skin then too. A bit of a mystery. The same is true for me, except I seem to need to watch that there is not too much yellow in the cream. If it is just off-white, oyster, or ivory or a very pale cream, I am good to go. 

  • Dee replied 1 week ago

    Fun experiment, going tonal seems a great exercise in sorting out our best colours. So many wonderful combos Suz and I feel the same about pastels on me too, just not enough saturation of colour, feels too soft and subtle.

    Cranberry reds are just fab on you along with your cooler white outfit. I too, find it hard to resist throwing in some contrast even when going tonal. If it works and feels more authentic, then why not?

  • Suz replied 1 week ago

    Agreed, Dee. We have to be ourselves! I might love the soft pastels on others (and I do) and might like a simple tonal outfit / no contrast on someone else, but on myself, I just feel better with that bit of extra. 

  • Lisa replied 1 week ago

    What an interesting experiment and great insight!

    I like all the outfits, but I do think the higher contrast looks say more "Suz" to me. That just shows that you've not only honed in on your personal style, but have a signature look that's strong enough I can associate it with you! And high contrast works beautifully on you too.

    I look forward to the pattern mixing next!

  • Jaime replied 1 week ago

    I think I see what you see with #1, which is objectively a great outfit. But it just does not have the same energy as #2 - also monochrome but in a far more punchy color. You know how to create harmonious outfits out of any combination but patterns and deeper colors represent you better. Love the furry collar in #8, the pink and red floral in #14, and the white tonal with contrast in #18 among others!

  • LaPed replied 1 week ago

    I will admit, my favorites here have patterns front and center, and don't shout "tonal dressing" to me. I'd say #5 is a slam dunk, and 18/19 is not far behind. The silhouette in 20/21 is very appealing to me; slouchy wide legs plus polo feels very fresh (I stole a rarely-worn polo sweater from DH this winter and have been having a lot of fun with it), but I think I would like it even better with some contrast, tonal variation, or pattern! 

  • Column replied 1 week ago

    What Carla and Sharan said: I love the lilac tonals—but you have to, also. You really rock the high-waist wide leg, esp. with the fitted tops; your legs go on for miles! And I, too, admire your mixed reds and whites. Sublime!

  • Suntiger replied 1 week ago

    I especially like the red versions, but also the lilac ones with the coat (such a great coat)!
    Was your original haircolor dark? Then it would definitely make sense that contrast works well!
    My mother is always my "how does haircolor change affect best colors" reference. She had almost black hair, and lighter skin than me, and lighter colors and tonal outfits with no print aren't as good on her as her orginal Winter palette.
    I'll have equal or more contrast when I'm all grey, but wonder if it'll be best to stay with my dark, low contrast outfits.

  • Suz replied 1 week ago

    Suntiger, no, I was always fair-haired. Dark blonde. Highlighted as I got older and it went to a mousy shade, but never dark-haired. So the preference for some contrast is a mystery. 

    Thanks, Column

    LaPed, I'd love to see your polo in action! 

    Jaime, I like that word, energy. The all-pastel outfits lack the energy I crave. 

    Lisa, thank you! 

  • Ket replied 1 week ago

    Very late to the forum, but I love that you experimented! Two months is quite the fair shake at things. Your lilac coat continues to sing to me!

    My take on why you love contrast is due to your personality, style, and lines and shapes. You love garçon. You seem to have a lot of sparkle and verve too. Dressing purely monochromatic all the time would look and feel too sedate for all of your perceived energy. Not trying to place you in a style box. I still love your monochromatic looks. But I love when you mix it up and add contrast to things. It brings you into focus. xo

  • Sal replied 1 week ago

    I am also late to this but I can see why the bolder colours in tonal outfits are your preferance more than the more subdued.  It's what Ket said - it's not just how you look but your personality as well.  The patterns, textures and shine all help to add that spark in.  

    I feel similarly and this thread clarified it to me.  I do love neutrals and will always wear them.  But all subdued neutrals or even soft colours don't provide the clarity or the energy that I like.  I don't have options for tonal brighter/clearer/saturated looks but I suspect I would like them on me (I happily wear a bright red or orange dress).  I tend to wear a neutral with a bold colour or contrasting neutrals more often.  It could be fun to experiment with a tonal look in kelly green or tomato red.

    Tonal subdued neutrals like camels or greys or creams are stunning and elegant - but I probably won't choose to wear them very often.

  • Suz replied 1 week ago

    Oooh, Sal, you'd look amazing in tonal kelly green! Also the red! 

    Your comment about happily wearing a bright dress makes sense. 

    But you and Ket make sense. I think you're dead right -- it's a combination of personality and personal energy that makes us crave a bit more punch or clarity or energy or whatever we choose to call it. 

  • Jenni NZ replied 1 week ago

    Does your mood affect it Suz? I wear my grey outfits more in the winter. I do like some summer black too but typically wear darker colours more often in winter, when my mood is often more subdued. Not depressed, I think just a bit less likely to feel sparkly?

  • Suz replied 1 week ago

    Jenni, I think I am the opposite -- I crave colour in winter. Our winters are very grey, so that is part of it. Very little sunshine (as a rule.) And when I lived in Ontario, we did get sun (sometimes) but I happened to live in a town made of limestone and it had grey roads, grey lake, etc. But I do wear more all navy in winter, for sure. 

  • Jenni NZ replied 1 week ago

    Could be that you do crave colour then. I still do, sometimes, but I think less often, summer is the opposite. I like my colour then but sometimes want summer black for a break!

  • SarahD8 replied 1 week ago

    Suz what a great thread and it has been so fun to watch you (and the rest of the forum) experiment with tonal dressing. I'm honored to have inspired the hypothesis generation and testing! Funny enough, after coming on the forum and vaguely musing, "tonal/monochrome, maybe...?" I myself promptly veered off in *several* different directions which I won't bore you with recounting here. Now I think I'm settling down a bit and am hoping to get my own fashion challenge (not about tonal dressing tho) going sometime in early February. We'll see!

  • Suz replied 1 week ago

    Sarah, I'll look forward to your own challenge! So funny that you veered off in other directions entirely -- but in a way, I am not surprised. You have always loved your Fair Isle too much to give it up! 

  • Karie replied 1 week ago

    Interesting experiment! My favs are 13 and 14. I do enjoy a nice monochrome outfit, especially in reds/pinks, also all navy. I usually will wear all navy when traveling- it’s easy peasy. I have some new items that are all shades of beige and I’d like to try a monochrome outfit with them. My problem is often footwear - do I go different or try and match? I’m always tossed up about which looks best.

  • Bijou replied 6 days ago

    You look fabulous in these with #8 being my absolute favourite. 

    I know that for me the quiet luxury aesthetic is not for me as I like something to make a statement and have a bit of personality. I feel that the looks that are most 'you' also have that sense of presence and fun.

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