I had all day teaching sessions twice this week in Prince Edward County. And our weather is insane! On Monday it was really cold so I was wearing booties, wool culottes, leather jacket. Yesterday it was in the high 20s (80s F) and today it was back to 15C, so I tried out Angie's tweed and graphic tee. My shirt is from Out of Print and it is library card stamps -- the students in my writing workshop loved it.
ETA: I almost forgot!!! I wore the tweedy outfit out to lunch afterward my teaching and it was the place our PM ate at a few days ago! A really great little spot called Agrarian. The server told us that he and Sophie were incredibly warm and gracious and loved the food and the other customers (yes, they kept the place open!) were extremely polite and left them alone, except for two men who went over and introduced themselves.