Hello, my name is Suz and I don't have enough toppers!
Background: At the moment, apart from my kimono jacket, I don't own a single black topper. I retired my vintage Hobbs crepe 3 button jacket so I am out!
(Actually, apart from two leather jackets and my recent blue jacquard blazer purchase from Zara, I have no F/W jackets. So that is where I am starting from -- and I am a person for whom jackets are the backbone of the closet.)
Here for consideration, two items -- The Banana Republic Monogram Tuxedo jacket, and the BR Martin plaid trousers also so beautifully modelled by Ceit, Sveta, Marianna, and others.
First, the pants. They are rolled up here and possibly not the right length since I didn't bother to pin. Please ignore that. Also, if the fit is judged poor, they go back -- there is no sizing up. (There are none in the bigger size and it does not fit anyway -- I tried it in the store.) Note: Mr. Suz fell in love with these.
Next, the jacket with pants, for a sort of unmatched "suit." Would this be do-able? Or is it just dumb?
Pic 5 shows the jacket done up. I would never wear it that way, but there it is.
Pics 9-12 styled with my baggy/ slightly slouchy tapered wool trousers. The blacks are not identical but they are close, and the weight of the fabric is very similar. So I think they could work together? As a sort of "le smoking" a la Angie's dressy separates blog post today?
Pics 13-15 styled a few possible ways, or at least half-styled.
Fit concern: the sleeves are just a touch too long. I don't know why since they were not too long on a version I tried on in the store on the weekend. But there it is. I would usually wear them scrunched. But it's a bit annoying. An alteration probably isn't possible or worth it because the buttons are too close together and the sleeve is only a teeny weeny touch too long.
Also, I always worry that this length of jacket cuts me in half and makes my legs look even shorter than they are.
Would love your thoughts.