Gananoque Mini-Meet

Inspired by our Seattle sisters, Mona, Karie, and I decided to have our own mini-meet up. Intrepid Karie braved the border guards and bridge (without benefit of phone or GPS, no less) and made it all the way from Sacket's Harbor NY to Gananoque, Ontario. 

Luckily, the weather cooperated. It was a sunny if slightly cool summer night. Mona and I waited in the garden of this quirky café about a block from the water. Notice the interesting decor. Not many restaurants boast a puppet theatre and a built in sandbox. This little guy was having a blast while his family ate!

And you've got to love that pizza oven, even if it did take an hour for us to get our food. (Apparently my original pizza was sacrificed to the gods of the wood fire! ... you detect a theme in my recent posts? Someone doesn't want me to eat supper!!)  

Notice our amazing YLF clothing. I am sure you can recognize many items in these pics, from Mona's Zara jacket, Karie's NAS jacket from last year (what is this with jackets in Ontario summer?? Unheard of!!) and my Zara sweater and J. Crew top. 


Go to the full post to see all of the pictures →


Eastern Ontario Meetup?

Okay. Bit by bit I have been gathering the sense that there may be quite a few of us lurking and posting who live in Eastern Ontario (roughly speaking). I know that Freckles and Krish and Krista (I think?) are in Ottawa, and Mona and I are in Kingston.

Mona and I have been trying to have a Kingston meet up for MONTHS. What with one thing and another, it probably isn't going to happen until early October. But I've been thinking....what if it became an Eastern Ontario meet up? Any interest?

If you haven't come to one, YLF meetups are SOOOOO much fun and it is so wonderful to meet in person the people we've met on the forum.