Top Shop with me?

Hello, friends. And happy mother's day to those that celebrate this holiday. 

As usual, I am late to begin my sping/ summer shopping. I did at least get a jump on the sandals (yay -- should be set for those!) but I neglected everything else, including those fab Ecco runners which are not available in my size except from Zappos which does not deliver to Canada (sob.)

In my defence, we still do not have spring/summer in my neck of the woods. The leaves are only just peeking out on trees and it is mostly freezing. 

I've just ordered a couple of practical items from J. Crew (see Finds) along with a wild card silk skirt just for the sake of femininity. It is from the winter collection but I think looks like a great spring/summer item for my climate. 

I am now in search of another staple. And I have looked high and low to no avail. 

Several years ago I got these trapeze type tanks from Zara. (In Finds and also in photo with me and my brother.) LOVED them. Silk front, viscose back. High neck. High armholes. Cool, almost wrinkle free (amazingly) and easy to wash and wear. One quick swipe of the iron and they were good to go.

Alas, they're done now. I wore them to death, multiple times a week for two summers running and the backs were all pilled and I had a stain on the blue one. 

You would think such a thing would be pretty easy to replace. But no such luck. I have looked at Zara, Massimo Dutti, Banana, J. Crew, Mango, Aritzia, and Club Monaco as well as Loft and Ann Taylor. To no avail. Any other options? Preferably with delivery to Canada, but at this rate I am so desperate I would get canny about it. I am also willing to spend a bit because these are summer essentials for me.

I would prefer: 

  • High neck (many similar items are not high neck)
  • NO gathers (some recent ones are more baby doll style with gathers under bust, not a nice look for me)
  • High enough armhole (so bra is not forever flashing)
  • Natural fibres with some drape (so not polyester as it is too hot for my summer climate). 

Have any of you seen anything similar? 

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  • Ledonna N. replied 8 years ago

    I love the T-shirts and the tanks. You and your brother are so handsome. I hope you find the tanks. I think that is why I buy multiple because when the discontinue what I love it's heartbreaking. I must say your writing style is so descriptive. I can't wait to see how your wadrobe journey develop.

  • UmmLila (Lisa) replied 8 years ago

    A few ideas ... not sure how you feel about the prints, though.

  • Elizabeth P replied 8 years ago

    I'll keep an eye out!
    I really like the Equipment one that UmmLila posted. 

    What size Ecco's do you need?  I assume you've checked Ecco Canada,, the Bay....

  • Angie replied 8 years ago

    You and your brother look SO CUTE. I love that photo with the matching hats and smiles. Gorgeous

    Not sure if these are good enough - the higher necklines more than anything are tricky - but take a look see anyway, Suz.

  • chouette22 replied 8 years ago

    Just a note on the Ecco runners. I ordered them from Zappos, and since they are Danish, they come only in sizes 36, 37, etc. I ordered the 37, since they indicate that it corresponds to a US 6-6.5. In Europe I had nearly always worn a 37; in the US I always buy 6.5. I know that you also wear 6.5. So the Eccos are just a tiny smidge too big on me. With socks they can work, but I definitely want to wear them without socks, as they look much better that way to my eye. Since they are leather, they will likely expand a tiny bit with wear and I am afraid that they will truly become too big on me then. I am still pondering the issue but think that I may have to return them. Too expensive not to be perfect. Maybe a consolation for you since you couldn't get them?

    And happy Mother's Day to you as well!

  • Gaylene replied 8 years ago

    Just another option if you can't find what you want in the shops--find a seamstress to whip up a couple of those tops in colours and fabrics which appeal to you. That trapeze style is a beginner's sewing project since it has minimal fitting and involves only a front and back along with three facings. Any reasonably competent sewer could duplicate those Zara tops by drafting a pattern using one of your old ones.

    Paying $300+ plus duty and shipping for that lovely Theory top boggles my mind.

  • Suz replied 8 years ago

    You are the best! Gaylene, that's a good idea. I don't have a resident seamstress that I trust and stupidly put those Zara tops in the bin (they were too worn to be donated) -- if I'd kept at least we'd have the prototype. Hmmm...

    Chouette, thank you for that info on the Eccos. I do wear a 6.5 but usually Ecco 37 works perfectly. I think the truth is I wear a EU 37; US 6.5 can be a smidge too short sometimes (depending) and US 37 is often too big but my best bet. So they might have fit anyway, but alas...

    Angie, thank you for popping in with those great suggestions. I actually have credit at Nordstrom's plus some notes, so it might be worth trying those tops. You're absolutely right -- the higher neckline can be difficult to find. 

    Elizabeth, thanks -- and yes, I tried Shoeme, the Bay, Ecco canada. They have different colours but not the white. I am wondering if they might have them in store somewhere. It's possible. 

    Lisa, those Equipment ones are so pretty. Love the snakeskin. I will also do another check on the Madewell to see if the neckline could work. 

    Ledonna, thank you!! 

  • replied 8 years ago

    I have the Anthro top in the finds below - and I know it's not the silky blend you are looking for , but it is a drapey heavy knit with a very high neckline. It's also available in cream on cream.    I know you said Aritizia had nothing , but just in case you may have missed these - I can vouch for fit and ease/flow for both of them. They do require a racer-back bra (as does the Anthro top).  There are a couple of EF tanks in the summer collections which have the cut your are looking for too .  The site isn't enabled for finds but you can easily see them

  • merwoman replied 8 years ago

    Love that photo of your brother!

    I purchased this mixed media tank last month from joe fresh. I think it's rayon, drapes beautifully. Navy would look smashing on you! Good luck with the search!

  • Glory replied 8 years ago

    Suz I have an echo store 10 minutes drive from my house. I can pop in next week if you wish and make the purchase. Let me know.

  • sarah replied 8 years ago

    Perhaps there is something at Ann Taylor?

  • UmmLila (Lisa) replied 8 years ago

    Massimo Dutti? I like the navy one.

    Also, Boden, but the reviews are not great.

    All seem to be viscose, which I find good for summer in woven form.

  • Suz replied 8 years ago

    Thanks, all. Sarah, those are not the cut I am looking for, but thank you! I had hopes of Ann Taylor and they may come through later in the season; we'll see. Tanks can be a true summer arrival (I hope). 

    Glory, I'll PM you. 

    Sue, I will check to see our our (pathetic) Joe Fresh has something -- good point. I like that one. 

    Lisa, I like that Anthro tank and will check it out. Not sure if they deliver. I can't get in store. 

    The Aritzia ones scare me for two reasons -- they don't say what the fabrics are, and the armholes look really low. If you have any bust real estate that can help with a low armhole but I need armholes cut quite high or the whole thing just droops on me. If I could try on, I'd feel more confident. 

  • Elle replied 8 years ago

    These might be a place holder - they are rayon not silk.  These are from Old Navy and the price is right.

    Zara does seem to continually bring out new stuff, so you may also get lucky if you keep stalking their site.  Good luck with your search. 

  • Suz replied 8 years ago

    We don't have Boden in Canada but I will look harder at the Massimo Dutti. I thought I saw some there before that did not show up in today's search (so I may have missed them.) 

    Eileen Fisher does indeed have a gorgeous one (and pricey) but sold out in my size. 

    Elle, those Old Navys might be brilliant placeholders -- thank you! Off to see if the Canadian store sells them. (We don't always have the same stuff here.)

  • Karie replied 8 years ago

    I love that pic of you and your brother! I found some sleeveless blouses at J. Crew Factory that I absolutely adore, and they come in several different colors (some even have sweaters in the same color). The sleeveless ones are probably poly but I am hoping they won't be too sticky in the summer. 

  • Neelie replied 8 years ago

    I see someone else mentioned Old Navy, I was eyeing these so no personal experience, but they may work  for you for a quick fix:


    Good luck.

  • BrieN replied 8 years ago

    You look lovely in that top -- color and cut -- I can understand your search for a replacement!

  • Pat_P replied 8 years ago

    I found tanks like you describe - trapeze cut with a fairly high neck and armhole, and cotton - at Uniqlo. Solid colors only, if I remember right. I'll see if I can find them online. (I am not sure if they ship to Canada.)

  • replied 8 years ago

    Actually Suz, the Sevres cut from Aritzia is decidedly not cut low or wide on the armhole. I have it in at least 3, and maybe 4 colours (including a print) .  I prefer a lower and wider cut armhole personally, but this one seems to be ok. I'll double check when I'm nearer my closet, but I'm quite sure it's fine. 

  • Suz replied 8 years ago

    Thanks, Lisa. Maybe I will order anyway to try them. I think I can return in store. 

  • SandyG replied 8 years ago

    The 'gear' lines are beginning to respond to fashion cycles with longer, looser tank tops and higher necklines. Check out Athleta; I bought a black and a gray tank for work and play, gym leggings--to-skinny colored jeans. Colors are limited, yes, but they are hard wearing and very easy to care for :)

  • Joy replied 8 years ago

    The Bobeau one in finds below comes in several colors but it is polyester.
    EF linen might work. Most of her tops are wider at the hem and often they are available in higher necklines.
    Then there is the lace trim top from Angie's picks.

  • Jaime replied 8 years ago

    Well I have no suggestions but no just how you feel about the perfect Zara top. Sometimes they come up with just the right mix of cut and fabric that make a workhorse - but, alas, a workhorse with a short life. Love the picture with your brother!

  • catgirl replied 8 years ago

    I was just going to suggest Old Navy - I bought a couple to hide my midsection and wear them with a light jersey topper. Just beware because DH shrunk mine - and they do shrink!

  • texstyle replied 8 years ago

    I also remember ON having some tops you might be able to use and will keep an eye out for others. Regarding those Ecco sneaks (the ones here, right?) I did end up keeping the smaller size for my feet. I thought I might need a larger size originally, but then I realized I would wear them only with thin socklets and not regular socks and when I tried them again they seemed perfect in the smaller size. I wear a 9.5 US normally and got them in the size 40 and they are perfect for me.

    ETA: I should have added that I have slightly wide feet near the front ball of the foot (not a true wide, but just slightly wide).

  • Suz replied 8 years ago

    So....those Old Navy tops would be terrific options, except we don't have them apart from in black and orange in Canada.  :(   Sigh. 

    We also don't have Athleta.

    But I won't give up! It is still possible that Loft or somebody might come out with some closer to the high summer season. I will keep looking and will also consider other styles that might work. 

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