Suz's annual footwear flip out

Since we're on the subject of climate, this seems like a good moment for my annual footwear flip-out! 

Last year, and every year before that, it was a rant. And there was a reason for that. See photos 1-6 below. All highly typical of Kingston's weather conditions from December to April. Also typical is the mix of grey to sun. Sun is beautiful when it comes...but we get far more grey skies in winter there than sunny days. And, it's on one of the Great Lakes, so it is also windy and damp. Brrrrrrr. 

With the help of YLF friends like Annagybe, Angie, and others, I found some excellent additions for my late winter footwear wardrobe and managed to inject a bit more variety last year. (Thank you!). 


People, I am here to tell you...Vancouver, true, is often wet, and usually grey in winter...(pics 7-11 show my neighbourhood) but unlike in Kingston, a woman can wear ALL THE FABULOUS SHOES most of the time!!! (Okay, not the sandals, but you get the idea.) 

I am so excited!!! I don't have to start with the snow boots! In fact, I now own so many pairs of waterproof or water resistant shoes that I can actually pick between booties, mid-calf, and knee highs, black, taupe, or sapphire, dressy or casual -- no matter what the weather.

And on drier days I have silver, red, cream, and dressier shoes as well!

The weather is absolutely key to this. I have the utmost respect for those on the forum battling the conditions that I battled for so many years. You are fashionistas par excellence! You have my sympathies. 

Another component of the improvement is the fact that I'm in a larger city with more and better sidewalks, and the environmental norm, while very casual, is at least a little less casual than in Kingston. 

Oh the joys. I can't tell you how much easier it is to get dressed! 

#12 shows the water resistant and waterproof "stompier" boots for inclement weather. Can be worn in all kinds of situations, from the sidewalk to the woods. 

#13 shows the waterproof boots and booties (most a bit dressier though photo includes one boot from #12. To add: my taupe Blondos, which I didn't own when I took the photo.

#14 shows all "dressier" booties, which includes one waterproof pair. 

What's the biggest cramp to your own style that weather presents? And what has been your biggest success or revelation if you moved? 

This post is also published in the youlookfab forum. You can read and reply to it in either place. All replies will appear in both places.


  • Joyce B replied 6 years ago

    Ha! What a difference! I don’t think you will move back for sure. Enjoy the better weather and your fab bootie collection.

  • taylor replied 6 years ago

    What beautiful photos !
    Having the proper footwear and clothing make all the difference when getting dressed for cold and wet weather .
    You have a fabulous/ enviable collection of boots and booties .....enjoy!

  • Ginger replied 6 years ago

    i'm so happy for you, Suz! I know how long this has been a frustration to you. Thank you for sharing the pictures, since that explains the situation to me even more clearly than your words.

    The biggest cramp to my own style is that the office air-conditioning temperature is 3-5F degrees cooler than I can handle in warm weather. When combined with outdoor/sitting car temperatures that are anywhere from 10-30 degrees higher, I'm stuck with dressing for the heat but carrying a cardigan with me. I can't dress warmer because of how much perspiring I would do, and I would rather be nicer to my body and my clothes and the people I am around.

    I always have to consider layering. I've got plentiful nice warm-weather clothes, but so many of them just don't look right with a plain black cardigan covering most of the top. (It's my equivalent of the Dark Heavy Boots conundrum.) I've worked very hard for many years to find cardigans that (1) fit me well and (2) have long sleeves and (3) have colors that will actually complement my outfits. And there's other things I've just had to eschew, like fancy or bulky short sleeves on the under layer because I have to fight to get them into the cardigan. Hot weather goes on so long, and I get so sick of the same cardigans and outfits.

    My biggest HEWI find last year was a LONG SLEEVE shrug in WHITE. It goes with 90% of my summer wardrobe, bookends my favorite white sandals, covers very little of the outfit, and keeps my arms happy.

    I haven't really lived elsewhere, so I haven't had opportunity for improving this!

  • Helena replied 6 years ago

    When I move to Vancouver tomorrow, I will wear all my shoes too ... *sighs wistfully at the dream of it, cries into puffer and snowboots*

    So glad you are enjoying the fashion perks of your new climate :D

  • Suz replied 6 years ago

    TG, you are welcome to come visit!  :) I don't know how long we will be here, but I am enjoying every minute of it!!

    Ginger, that is SO interesting and I completely understand! Why oh why do they set the AC so low, I wonder? It's crazy. Especially since we haven't been in much of a dress period for so long -- last year being better, of course. I'm really glad you found that HEWI cardigan. But I hear you completely on silhouette variety (or lack thereof). For me it was skinnies into tall boots, skinnies into snow boots, skinnies into...etc. For you it must be, fit and flare dress and cardi (if cardi can be found); fit and flare dress and cardi. And however much it suits you, it is so frustrating not to be able to show the outfit as it is meant to be worn! 

  • JAileen replied 6 years ago

    Lovely snow pictures! I’m glad you’re getting to experience a new climate.

    I grew up in temps between 40F and 80F, with lots of summer fog. So that’s what I like. I only wore shorts a few times a year. Where I live now, the weather is very similar to Salt Lake City. The temperature swings 30 degrees nearly every day. It’s dry here, and either hot or cold. The key to dressing is layering. Having said that, this past week was very wet with both rain and snow. I liked it, knowing our trees needed it.

  • Sara L. replied 6 years ago

    Wow, that's a lot of snow!  I've never had to deal with snow like that so my winter shoe choices have always been fairly varied.  I'm glad you're getting to enjoy winter fashion without being so restricted in your shoe choices.  

  • Runcarla replied 6 years ago

    The move 700 km south from Timmins, Ontario to Port Hope, Ontario didn't get me out of winter, but winters ARE much shorter and milder. The town of Port Hope is in a sheltered nook provided by the geography of Lake Ontario and avoids much of the nasty weather that hits Toronto to the west and communities to the east, like Suz's Kingston, which gets dumped on! We've had no accumulation of snow until the weekend just past, and it will be gone in 10-12 weeks (April) if not sooner.

    Fashion wise, I now have 4 seasons, whereas I used to experience 7 months of winter and 3 months of summer with the briefest transition between the two. After 4 years of not using the heavy duty winter coats and boots, the whole family bagged a stash for donation this past fall. Now I wear rubber boots more often then winter boots. I own 1 pair of black high boots and 1 pair of black booties. I'll wear hiking boots and 'puffy pants' if I have to shovel snow. I am more likely to be wearing one of my 3 pairs of sneakers on any given day - even winter - if the sidewalks are clear!

  • RobinF replied 6 years ago

    Those first pics look very familiar to me! Pretty boots are mostly for indoors right now but luckily (or not so luckily depending on the road conditions!) I drive to work so just bring them and change. Hubby and I spent a few days in Vancouver before a cruise and loved the city. 

  • Greyscale replied 6 years ago

    Isn’t it amazing? Moving from Boston to San Francisco really changed how I thought about shoes.

    I’m spoiled by my year-round temperate weather. I used to get cold at night here year-round (see Angie’s post about chilly damp being harder than crisp cold). But I eventually adapted my wardrobe (carry a wool layer all summer).

    Now my only real weather challenge is the sun. It’s rarely hot here but it’s often bright. My redhead skin burns immediately, and I actually get a mild allergic reaction to the sun (blistery rash). For summer I have lightweight high collar jackets now.

  • Glory replied 6 years ago

    Well I can’t even tell you how jealous I am today of all days. This morning was -39. Yes you read that right- and Suz I am a mere 2 hours north of Kingston. Originally from Winnipeg and used to cold but today....none of my winter clothing is warm enough. The one positive is the sun and beautiful blue sky. And not joking - after warming up my vehicle I wrapped myself in a down sleeping bag to drive.

  • Ginger replied 6 years ago

    Suz, that's exactly it. The dress (or top/skirt) isn't improved by adding a cardigan. It's great by itself! Frustrating to not be able to wear it that way.

    To be fair, my personal thermostat may be a little skewed. I'm most comfortable at home in temperatures of 78-80F.  ;)

  • Angie replied 6 years ago


    I knew your large bootie collection would get worn eventually. You were simply planning ahead while living in Kingston :)

  • Cardiff girl replied 6 years ago

    That snow looks really pretty.Its such a novelty here that we get excited by it!I m afraid it’s anoracks that I get fed up with for the grey ,damp drizzle and not always getting to wear a true summer wardrobe because it s never quite warm enough to leave off a topper.I t was great last year when we had a ‘proper” summer.l think I d thrive most in a southern Mediterranean climate .You have a fab boot collection,how lovely to be able to wear them frequently at last.

  • Angie replied 6 years ago

    Jokes aside, YES, Suz. Despite the rain, I can wear most shoes in Seattle. A little waterproofing spray and some puddle avoidance and Bob's your Uncle. And bless your hibernating snow boots. 

    Glory, I don't know HOW you guys manage in arctic Canada. I wouldn't last a day. 

  • Janet replied 6 years ago

    I’m so happy for you in your new climate!

    I have lived my entire life in the same state, but I have never loved the fact that our summers are relentlessly hot and humid. I would love to have a climate in which it cools off significantly at night in summer. I hate running AC overnight, and I want to wear jeans year-round.

  • LaPed replied 6 years ago

    Hah, yes, as I said on Angie's post today, I'll take a mild Pacific winter over a harsh Atlantic one any day! I moved from northern Vermont to Portland OR in my late teens and never once complained about the weather while I was there for college. (Then I promptly moved back east; what was I thinking?!) PNW winter is very similar to New England autumn, minus the foliage of course. :)

  • Angie replied 6 years ago

    Janet, come live in Seattle! 

    La Ped, the PNW Winters get very sun, too much rain - right up till July. I need  to move to Southern CA. 

  • Helena replied 6 years ago

    Sorry - sidebar, but lol, Glory - I worked all afternoon on my couch with a furry blanket wrapped around me. Thank goodness for working from home ha! Suz, if you missed Ontario at all, you won't after this thread :D

  • Sal replied 6 years ago

    Yay for bootie wearing weather....Your photos are all beautiful though - well maybe not 6:)

    Our climate here is very temperate, 32F (0 degrees C) would be the coldest and only overnight for short periods.  A hot day might be 86F (30 degrees C) but much of the year is in the 60-70 F range.  

    Today is 70F which is a cool summer windy day (sunny and bright) - last week it was hot and muggy at around 86F.  

    My main concern is protection from the sun- out UV index is high.  And it is hard to know what to predict - the weather here changes quickly and is unpredictable - small island country!!

    We don't get snow here - we do get frost, fog and winter dampness at times.  

  • Gretchen replied 6 years ago

    Yay for all the bootie options! I’m obsessed with my Blondos after buying last year.

    My challenge is similar to Ginger’s, caused by the Bay Area microclimate (TM weathercasters). i work 40 miles from home, and the temp can vary by 20 degrees, not to mention fog or rain. And I’m terrible about checking weather before leaving the house, so end up shivering between car and office on a regular basis.

  • Gigi replied 6 years ago

    Yay! I'm so happy for you! And it looks like you have an awesome collection of waterproof booties that will serve you well in your new climate.

    For me, the biggest issues with footwear are what you had to deal with previously: the snow and ice and cold. Even though this has been a mild winter, and there is not much snow on the ground, there are still patches of ice that make wearing heeled shoes dicey. I have some high-heeled boots and booties that would love to come out and play, but I don't dare for fear of slipping on the ice.

    I did buy myself a second pair of snow boots this year. :) Try to get my jollies where I can, lol.

  • Suz replied 6 years ago

    Oh, the terrible rain of Vancouver....

    (Today's views of my street below...).  :) 

    In all fairness I should also post tomorrow's photos. It's supposed to be very rainy then...

  • viva replied 6 years ago

    I just want the entire collection to replicate and move to Portland Maine. I love them all, Suz. 

  • Angie replied 6 years ago

    No sun in Seattle - and we were promised a sunny day :(

    Vancouver poached our sun!

  • Suz replied 6 years ago

    Gigi, I love it! You totally deserve a whole wardrobe of snow boots. :) 

    Gretchen, that would take a lot of getting used to, I imagine. It sounds as if the Bay area has more micro climates than almost anywhere else!

    Sal, yes -- the sun in New Zealand and Australia is so very strong. A friend and colleague of Mr. Suz, originally from NZ, and always outdoors as a boy, recently died from complications of melanoma. Nobody really understood it back then...

    TG, you are so right! I do love skating and enjoy fresh crisp sunny winter days...but honestly, Kingston gets even fewer of those than Toronto. And so...

    Angie, you are right that the dark days are SOOOOO gloomy here -- the second year I lived here we literally had 40 days and 40 nights of constant rain one winter!!! --- and yet I would still take it over the darn slush of Eastern Ontario, which has more than its share of grey as well. 

    LaPed, high five! 

    Janet, the humidity in Baltimore is fierce!! It would wilt me, I'm sure. I like heat but that kind of humidity for long stretches would exhaust me. 

    Cardiff Girl, snow IS pretty until it melts and leaves a lot of soggy dog poop showing. :) In all seriousness, I love the snow but would like a shorter winter season. 

    Glory, OMG. -39!!!!!   Yikes. By the way, I will be back in Kingston in February. That's not going to be so fun. 

    Greyscale -- wow -- that is true sun sensitivity. Based on what Sal said, I do not recommend you move to New Zealand!! 

    Robin, that's such a good point. I'm a bit unusual in that I'm always on foot. 

    Carla, you're right that Port Hope is quite protected. And Toronto, while not as nice as there, is better than Kingston. You have a good spot! 

    Sara, yes, I always look with envy at your winter outfits! 

    JAileen -- layering seems important in a lot of places! But where the temperature variation is extreme you really need to take it to new levels. 

  • Suz replied 6 years ago

    Angie, this is the funny thing about Vancouver. Honestly, this year has been unusually good (I know, from having lived here before) but even so, it's a rare day when I don't at least see the sun for an hour or so. It's a watered down sun without a lot of real warmth, true, but it is SUN. And I swear -- it may rain MORE here in Vancouver than in Seattle (in terms of actual rainfall) but it rains LESS OFTEN during a day. Seattle seems like it is in perpetual mist. 

    Or maybe I just brought the sun to Vancouver?  ;) 

    We're to get rain tomorrow and then sun for the rest of the week! 

    Viva, I did well with these booties/ boots. Comfortable! And so nice to see you again!

  • nemosmom replied 6 years ago

    I am SO jealous of your stunning boot collection, Suz! How fab that you get to enjoy all of them in your new climate!

    I'm on year #2 in Chicago - my biggest challenge has been keeping my feet WARM from October until at least mid May. Last year I spent most of the winter in a snow hiking boot (even on sunny cold days) because they were warm and waterproof. I looked like a goof, but my feet were warm! This year I picked up a pair of Cougar boots and lined Vans that are warm-ish and way cuter than my snow boots. I wear them when there isn't a ton of salt and sand to deal with.

    It feels like we don't get much of a Spring here before it gets brutally hot and humid; then my feet don't like shoes of any kind.

    I miss my temperate San Francisco climate where I could get by on ugg
    boots or olukai flip flops in the summer (yes, I was THAT person in July wearing a wool hoodie/down vest/waxed cotton jacket, wool beanie, and a scarf, with flip flops on my feet), rain boots in the winter, and
    chucks year round - even at the office.

  • Kathie replied 6 years ago

    So glad you can finally wear all your shoes!! I very much miss the PacNW weather from my 21 years in Seattle- the gray winters never bothered me, and the summers more than made up for it. (LaPed and nemosmom, I too, sometimes wonder what I was thinking when I moved back to the East coast.) Thankfully, other than adding more “high summer” clothes for the heat/humidity of mid-Atlantic summers, I can wear the same shoes.

  • rachylou replied 6 years ago

    I don’t know man. What am I doing wrong? I am 200% in need of heavy sole boots right now in the SF Bay Area. I tried wearing sneakers today with heavy socks. My feet are freezing, while everything else is boiling up. It’s a sunny day following a rainy day.

  • Laura replied 6 years ago

    Overjoyed for you! And I am certain you deserve the credit for bringing the sun to Vancouver. It’s so nice not to feel insanely restricted by the climate!

    I am in the midst of my own annual footwear flip out, but mine involves sandals and is less about weather and more about fit. I am desperately in need of sandals (as I am every year) and even starting this early, I have tried multiple pairs in multiple sizes and cannot find any that fit. I am holding out hope that Angie will turn up a pair or two that can get me through another summer!

  • replied 6 years ago

    I love how your boots are all nicely lined up, waiting to be chosen for the day :)  I'm dying knowing how lovely it is out there right now and glad that you have found your happy place, literally.

  • Runcarla replied 6 years ago

    Stay in BC, Suz! DH says he's going to make me a giant cat box for in front of the fireplace, since I spend all my time there!

    Pic looking south towards lake

  • replied 6 years ago

    At least you have a fireplace, Carla. I'm in front of the heat register, along with my cat.  I could use a giant cat bix.  

  • SarahD8 replied 6 years ago

    Suz, I am so glad that your fun footwear has gotten its moment in the sunbreaks (Cascadia humor) this year! But, I want to stick up for past-you, too. Your thread last year on what you were drawn to wear vs. what your climate and lifestyle required was SO very thoughtful and instructive. And, you not only clarified your needs but followed through and found boots that fit your style and your climate. Impressive! As you know I have been working through a style vs. lifestyle conundrum of my own recently, and I just think that threads like yours are so useful to the forum. 

    And Angie, I have to defend Seattle's weather for a moment. We had gorgeous clear skies for the eclipse last night, gray today seems a reasonable tradeoff for that amazing show!

  • Aziraphale replied 6 years ago

    Suz, I haven't posted anything in the forum for ages but this post has inspired me to respond! I am totally guilty of rhapsodizing about my beloved city (even if it is the "no-fun" Canadian city to everybody else).

    In Vancouver, we don't really have to protect ourselves against the weather. Yes, it can be drizzly in the winter, but the climate here allows us to wear pretty much whatever we want, whenever we want. My biggest footwear mistake was buying a pair of sandal boots. They're super cool, but you can't really wear them when there's a possibility of rain (which happens a lot in the winter), and you can't wear them much in the summer because it's too warm. But other than that, I have no shoe woes. I wear sandals in the summer, and any shoes I want for the rest of the year. OK well, I tend toward booties more in the winter, and the odd time we actually get snow I might wear my furry boots, but mostly I can wear anything. 

    I'm glad you now have the opportunity to experience winter that doesn't involve the same pair of boots for five consecutive months. :-)

  • Angie replied 6 years ago

    SarahD8, are you in Seattle? I thought you were in Portland. 

    Suz, I'm thrilled the Vancouver climate has been good to you. I can't think of anyone more deserving after seeing what you have to live through in Kingston. As for Seattle rain - yes, it's daytime rain too. Lots of it all the time - but NOT in Summer :)

  • columbine(erin) replied 6 years ago

    What a beautiful collection of boots and booties! I'm in CO and currently limited by the snow and old injuries, to one pair of snow boots, argh! We don't have quite enough snow each year to justify having lots of boots, but I am looking forward to less icy conditions soon so I can wear other shoes. 

  • Jaime replied 6 years ago

    Yay! I think people underrate the weather when they look at their location options. (Well except for me - I overlook almost everything else ;) ) Your boot collection looks excellent and what fun it must be to get dressed without the old restraints!

  • SarahD8 replied 6 years ago

    Angie, yes, Seattle. I’m probably weird enough to fit in in Portland tho. :-)

  • Joy replied 6 years ago

    I know how you feel, Suz.  Moving from a place where icy cold turned into tropical heat over night.  I am thrilled to be in a place with lovely transitional weather and no extreme heat or cold, yet four seasons.  Even the snow does not melt like most places, leaving slush.  It evaporates quickly leaving no trace.

    The style is not as casual and the neighbors usually dress up for monthly cocktail parties.  It is an "anything goes" atmosphere if you look like you tried.

    Just today I was trying to explain the joys of our weather to an uncle who is awaiting the next storm on the coast of Maine. He could not believe a foot of snow could evaporate in 2, sometimes 1 day.

    Enjoy Vancouver.  It reminds me a little of San Francisco but not so hilly.  Have you been to Chinatown yet?   

  • Jessikams replied 6 years ago

    Ugh, weather! It is such a constriction on fashion, you’re right!

    We move internationally every 2-3 years because of hubbie’s job. Every time, totally new climate and lifestyle (subway? Walking? Riding a water buffalo? Just kidding with that last one ....sort of.)

    In general it seems I get it figured out ....right before we up and move again! The adventure is wonderful but I do feel like a hot mess a lot of the time.

  • cjh replied 6 years ago

    My biggest weather challenges are head and feet. My hair is very short but my style depends on product support, that is, it has no body or shape (other than my head) without mousse, blow drying and hair spray. But my head gets cold when it’s below 30. My usual solution is to take a warm hat with me and wear it only on the way home. Ha. Or an earwarmer type seems to be less flattening. Of course, for outdoor running, walking or hiking, I have no choice: hat and flat.

    I don’t mind wearing socks with tennis shoes or oxfords, but can’t with loafers (my feet look dumb, IMO.) Even when the temperatures allow a shoe/sock choice, I’m forced to choose boots if it’s wet or snowy. That puts a damper on my ideal outfits.

    Yes, Suz, you are lucky to have a great situation with more options this year! Hooray!

    We haven’t moved for 32 years, and then it was only 4 blocks away from our first house, all within 50 miles of where we grew up.

  • replied 6 years ago

    Hi Suz. The title of this post is SO funny! I laughed and then got busy, so am only posting now.
    Your trials and tribulations with winter footwear were always fun to hear about. I understand how a fashion lover would find the winter footwear situation such a total pain in Kingston! I actually think your weather is worse than mine (yikes!). 
    I'm so glad you've found a new climate, ha ha!
    I remember you once saying that if your true style does not mesh well with where you live, maybe it's time to move! So funny, with a ring of truth to it.

  • replied 6 years ago

    You have a yummy bootie & boot collection! It’s fun you’re getting to revel in them & I long for that climate! Relentless heat and humidity for lengthy stretches are my fashion achilles heel!
    I like your pics.

    I just got a pair of booties I ordered in the mail today, why does it seem like there’s just never enough of them?!

    Or is that just my shoe addiction? :)

  • lyn67 replied 6 years ago

    Great news-& SO happy for You! You just deserve to wear all those fab boots and booties you have!

  • krishnidoux replied 6 years ago

    Oh Suz, I am so happy for you! You truly deserve to let your style shine on the West Coast. Yes, you are right, it's a major aspect of living out there compared to cold snowy here. Some years ago, I moved from beautiful BC to the Eastern part of the country for various reasons, none of them including footwear freedom. 

    Since you didn't do an annual flp-out, please allow me:

    At this time of the year, I am starting to get very (I mean very) annoyed with not just clunky footwear, but clunky everything pertaining to necessary outdoor gear due to insane weather conditions. Thick sausage coats with pockets rendered difficult to open, combined with hands emprisonned in padded double-layered gloves make it almost impossible to fish for keys especially when carrying packages, which is all the time (precisely because those conditions will diminish your outings and make you maximize any errand). Forget about using your phone, it's deep inside somewhere: you are condemned to let it buzz against you, powerlessly, until you've reached an inside shelter of some sort where to remove your two sets of gloves (forget the finger sensitive touchscreen stuff at this point it won't work), tuck the said gloves under what should be armpit but is just more cushioned fabric likely to let gloves drop on wet slushy snow, extricate your head from, in order: hoodie, tuque and wool scarves (shake off the snow and feel its cold wetness drip down your neck and wrists in the process). By then your fingers are so frozen that the thumb recognition touch ID affair will not operate. By the way your hands are so frozen you don't even know where are your fingers as you can't feel them, and that's when you cruelly remember that Microsoft and Apple and late Steve Jobs all originate on the West Coast where people like Suz are, at this very moment, fashionably sporting white pointy booties with cropped denim and looking fab. ;)

  • Bijou replied 6 years ago

    I live in a Mediterranean climate and so think I am pretty lucky that despite a few days of oppressive heat, most of the time I love the weather.

    In terms of the weather dictating what I wear, I would say that in summer my outfits tend to be pretty basic, because it can be too hot to wear layers or more interesting accessories such as scarves and toppers. I like dresses, and find that my sundresses and short jumpsuits are great to wear with sandals to beat the heat.

    Your pictures of snow are beautiful, but I would be scared to venture out without about 3 puffers on, looking like the Michelin Man.

  • Sisi replied 6 years ago

    Suz, your happiness radiates through your post! So glad to know that from now on you will have more fun with shoes. I often complain about our cold-wet-grey-foggy Winters (Central Northern Italy) because I would like to be in Summer dresses and sandals all the time, but if I compare my 4-seasons climate with the Canadian climate I feel ashamed to complain ...

    Krishnidoux, you made me laugh! Interesting point about all those IT people coming from the West Coast. :)

  • jussie replied 6 years ago

    Ooh I’m very envious of your beautiful boot collection :). Also I like the scenery pics of your local area. Story-bookish!
    My biggest weather challenge is the rapidly changeable weather we have, it goes up and down very fast, hard to have one outfit that will be comfortable all day. Here’s a some pics of my neck of the woods.

  • replied 6 years ago

    I'm jealous jussie and echo krishnidoux :) Winter dressing is just so inconvenient and its hard to feel stylish in clunky layers.
    And Suz, I'm glad you can wear all the fun shoes now! Aren't you glad you kept them?

  • Suz replied 6 years ago

    Krishnidoux, you made me laugh. You are SO RIGHT about those IT guys. And the very thought of "touch screen" gloves makes me howl with derision.  

    Meanwhile, I go back to Kingston for a week in February. So I haven't completely left the winter miseries and I will post photos of that adventure as well. I left my big parka and snow boots and warm gloves there!

    Jussie, it is SO PRETTY where you are. I love the ocean and tide pools and beautiful spring flowers! 

    Sisi, yes -- I think northern Italy must be a bit like Vancouver in terms of winter weather. It's not great, but compared with what I was used to, it feels tropical and easy!

    And yes, I am so glad I kept all my booties! 

  • Style Fan replied 6 years ago

    Krish, well said.  I am always cold.  Our winters are brutal. I grew up in northern Ontario.  Brrrr.  I lived most of my adult working life in Hamilton and the winters were not nearly as severe as they are here in Muskoka.  To make it worse they close the roads out of town because the conditions are so bad.  We are escaping on Monday for 2 months.  I hope.  

    I am very happy for you Suz.  Nice collection of footwear.   

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